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                VEGABAR 83

                VEGABAR 83

                压力变送器,带金属测量元件 带有金属测量元件,用于高↓压场合 应用范围 用于测量具有很高过程压力的液体和粘性介质。 可以和 VEGABAR 80 系列中的任何一台其他传感器进行组合,用于电子式测量〗差压。 The VEGABAR 83 is a pressure transmitter for pressure measurement of gases, vapours and liquids in all industries. The VEGABAR 83 offers special advantages in applications with high pressures. The simple connection of VEGABAR series 80 sensors as electronic differential pressure opens new possibilities for the measurement of differential pressures. 您的获益 过硬的技←术保证***的安全和可靠性 抗低压真ぷ空配置
                VEGABAR 82

                VEGABAR 82

                压力变送器,带陶瓷测量元件规模尺寸◇的料仓 这种全能型仪表带有陶瓷测量元件 应用范围 通用性压力变送器。陶瓷测量元件可抵抗温度〒的骤变。 可以和 VEGABAR 80 系列中的任何一台其他传感器进行组合,用于电子式测量∮差压。 The VEGABAR 82 pressure transmitter can be used universally for the measurement of gases, vapours and liquids. Substances such as sand can be handled easily thanks to the abrasion-resistant ceramic measuring cell. The VEGABAR 82 offers maximum reliability. The transmitter can be used in all industries. The simple connection of VEGABAR series 80 sensors as electronic differential p
                VEGABAR 81

                VEGABAR 81

                带压力传导系ξ 统的压力变送器 带化学密封装置,用于高温场合 应用范围 能够在腐蚀性很高的和ω灼热的介质中可靠地进行测量。 可以和 VEGABAR 80 系列中的任何一台其他传感器进行组合,用于电子♀式测量差压。 The VEGABAR 81 is a pressure transmitter with chemical seal for pressure and level measurement. The chemical seal systems of VEGABAR 81 adapted to the process, ensure a reliable measurement even with highly corrosive and hot products. The simple connection of VEGABAR series 80 sensors as electronic differential pressure opens new possibilities for the measurement of differential pressures
                Rosemount? 3051SAL 无线液位◥变送器

                Rosemount? 3051SAL 无线液≡位变送器

                Rosemount? 3051SAL 液位变送器

                Rosemount? 3051SAL 液位变送器

                Rosemount? 3051L 液位变送器

                Rosemount? 3051L 液位变送器


                电话:021-60822595 传真:021-33275536

                手机:13918606578 邮箱:13918606578@vip.163.com



                版权所有:岑泓自动化工程(上海)有限公司 沪ICP备18033821号-2 技术支持:云站网络
